University of Pasadena Intervention Used by Researchers Discussion – Question Description
I’m working on a writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
Our search should return a number of articles. (Two different articles). You are looking for an article that used one of the research designs we have covered to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention. You are not looking for an article just on the research design. Review the titles to find a topic that is of interest to you. Read the article. Then complete the following:
1- Briefly describe the intervention that was used by the researchers. What is the independent variable? What was the dependent variable (the behavior being measured)?
2- Briefly describe the research design used in the study.
3- Identify how this research design demonstrates a functional relationship between the intervention and the dependent variable (the target behavior).
4- Were these researchers able to demonstrate a functional relationship?
Cooper, J.O., Heron, T.E., & Heward, W.L. (2020) Applied behavior analysis (3ed.).rd
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