UHD Cybersecurity and Intellectual Property Case Study – Description
1. You work for a privately owned chemical company in Houston, Texas that uses large amounts of chlorine, so you are therefore regulated by CFATS. Your company has had a physical and possible cyber security breach within the past 24 hours. Write a one-page persuasive document directly to your company’s head lawyer (chief councel, or whatever their title is), and explain to them exactly what reporting requirements you have, and why you need to engage with the DHS and CSIRT.
2. You work for a publically traded company, and an employee that was fired earlier today has managed to steal quite a bit of intellectual property before leaving. There are physical documents as well as a hard drive full of information. Write a one-page document directly to your company’s head lawyer, and explain to them exactly what reporting requirements you have to the shareholders, and also what you may need to consider from a criminal/law enforcement perspective.
The final product can all be in one Word document, but I want two full pages worth of information. Again, this assignment is to help you create something specifically for your own use in the future, so put as much effort as you can into this so that you have a useful product to take with you.
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