UCLA Slavery The Americas Enslavement Slaves in America James Stirling The Life of Plantation Field Hands 1857 Research Paper – Description
In your quarter-long writing project, you’ll undertake a research project about an issue or question that most intrigues you about the events, cultures, people, arts, trade, cross-cultural contacts, and phenomena during the period from approximately 1750-1914 CE.
To get you started on this project, the Week 2 Writing Forum asks you to propose a possible topic for your MMW 14 paper, share two sources related to that topic, and pose a very initial research question. For your forum post, submit a Google DocLinks to an external site., in correct MLA format, that does the following:
Propose a topic. To help you select a topic, you may find it helpful to browse the course syllabus, looking for themes, topics, and/or readings that seem particularly interesting to you. Also think about what interests you more generally–sport, dance, politics, etc. You may find this listLinks to an external site. of possible categories of topics useful. Note that the topics listed on that document are very broad and you will need to narrow your topic to a particular place, group of people, etc.
When stating your topic, use the following formula: (Conceptual Category/Hobby/Interest/Passion) + (geographical region) + (activity/event) + (person/group/society/culture) + (primary source)
Restate your topic in a sentence or a two
Find two sources. Use the library research strategies you learned in MMW 13 to find two sources: 1) one best possible scholarly, peer-reviewed article from an academic journal related to your project’s topic, using the library’s databases 2) one best possible primary source related to your topic. You might find the library’s Guide to Online Primary SourcesLinks to an external site. helpful for finding primary sources.
Write two sentences for each source: 1) 1 sentence that summarizes the source’s goal or argument 2) 1 sentence that explains why this source is the best possible source for your topic
Write your source entries in correct MLA Works Cited format
Write 50 words explaining how these sources led to your initial research question
Propose an initial level-3 research question. This will be tentative, and you might feel like you’re not quite ready for this yet. That’s okay. It’ll give you a helpful place from which to start your research and project.
Provide feedback to the peers in your group by Thursday at 11:59 PM. Your feedback should be substantive and constructive. In other words, a comment that says “This is great!” is a fine start, but you should also include what makes it great, as well as a suggestion for how to make a part of their project stronger and/or pose a question that you still have based on what you’ve read.
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