The Social Emotional Assessment/Evaluation Measure Questions – Description
The Social-Emotional Assessment/Evaluation Measure (SEAM™) is an assessment that focuses exclusively on social-emotional and behavioral development in young children—and provides meaningful insights to caregivers and families. It provides in-depth information that can prevent problems by building positive partnerships with families and optimizing positive parent–child interactions in the first years of life.
The critique consists of six sections, including references. The information required for each section is described below.
Title of the test (including edition and form, if applicable)
Publisher and date(s) of publication
Cost (booklets, answer sheets, other test materials, available scoring services)
Availability of online version
Test Content
construct(s), domain(s) or variable(s) the test measures
unidimensionality or multidimensionality of construct
theoretical and/or empirical foundations of the test
Purpose of Test
purpose and potential uses of test
targeted test population
Test Structure
length of test/number of items
subscales (if applicable)
item format
Test Administration
administration procedures
necessary administrator qualifications and/or training
special testing conditions that must be considered
online administration (if applicable)
Test Scoring
type of scoring or scaling
scoring procedures (including availability of scoring keys and scoring services, if any)
subscale, factor or dimension scores (if applicable)
online scoring (if applicable)
Standardization/Normative Sample
size and demographics of standardization sample
procedures followed in obtaining sample
adequacy of standardization sample
adequacy of norms provided (e.g., availability of subgroup norms, if applicable)
evidence of reliability (e.g., test-retest, internal consistency)
adequacy of reliability evidence to support potential uses of the test
evidence of validity (e.g., content-, criterion-, construct-related)
adequacy of validity evidence to support potential uses of the test
Quality of Test Materials
quality of writing in test materials (including appropriateness of reading level)
quality of graphic design and presentation in test materials
other aspects of materials quality (e.g., durability, attractiveness, etc.)
Ease of Administration, Scoring and Interpretation
clarity and comprehensiveness of instructions, directions or guidance provided
amount of time and resources needed to administer, score and interpret test
other practical aspects of administration, scoring and interpretation
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Test
Ethical or bias potential
for uses of the test
for revisions or updates
for further study of the test
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