TCU Black World Study Insights about Sapphires Push Discussion – Description
After you read the first part of Sapphire’s Push (to p.97, end of Chapter III) and watch the first 30 min. of the YouTube video “Dr. Frances Cress Welsing—The Cress Theory of Color Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy),”, start this Discussion thread in which you detail with specific references and citations what you find are the overwhelming themes of both the novel and the movie while addressing their similarities and differences not only to each other but also in style and subject matter to the previous books and movies of the semester: Raisin in the Sun, The Color Purple, and Beloved. Be sure to share three specific, detailed, and documented insights, clearly explained, and one thoughtful question you wish to pose to your classmates—all of which needs to relate to the assigned readings and viewings due for this day—and the post needs to consist of at least 200 words.
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