New York University Fermass 2023 Video Analysis – Description
1.What is one possible content objective of this lesson from the Common Core State Standards? You can use the anchor standards or the 1st grade standards here.
2.What has the teacher done to provide multiple means of representation?
3.What has the teacher done to provide multiple means of action and expression?
4.What has the teacher done to provide multiple means of engagement for many, or all, of the students in this lesson? (You may want to consider what motivates students in this lesson.)
5.How does the teacher demonstrate, or fail to demonstrate, high expectations for many, or all, of the students?
6.What kinds of final assessment(s) or product(s) will the teacher have at the end of the class that will allow her to assess student understanding?
7.If you were a co-teacher in this room, explain two things you could do to support or extend upon student learning.
8.As a co-teacher, you have been asked to organize small group instruction to support struggling learners during this lesson.
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