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MILT625 Military Career and Community Transition Portfolio

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MILT625 Military Career and Community Transition Portfolio – Description

MILT625: Military Career & Community Transition
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This graduate course examines the two primary transitions of military life: the reintegration challenges that recently deployed military members encounter as they blend back into family, community, church, and a peacetime setting; and the transition from military to civilian life and career. Students will identify and critique strategies meant to facilitate a positive adjustment, while exploring possible Biblical and Christian interventions to support veterans in this transition back into family and community life as well as new careers. Specific course content will focus on the role of the caregiver or helping profession. Special focus will be given to providing resources and various avenues of assistance to these military service men and women who may not know of these services.  
RATIONALE: This graduate course is designed to equip caregivers with knowledge, skills, and expertise to assist veterans in life transitions. These transitions may present as reintegration into family, community and church. Emphasis will also be placed on various aspects of developing positive career transition skills. Special focus however will be to directed to the student who wishes to develop career expertise as a professional caregiver for this population.
Textbooks: Savino & Krannich, The Military to Civilian Transition Guide (2012). Slone & Friedman, After the War Zone (2008).
Experience Plus Portfolio Questions:
1.Examine the needs the new military veterans experience when transitioning from the military to civilian life. *
2. Choose and apply biblical strategies to support veterans during the transition period. *
3. Indicate and critique effective strategies for facilitating positive adjustment to family life. *
4. Discuss and evaluate solutions to addictions and mental health issues. *
5. Describe the possible physical challenges and disabilities resulting from warfare, and appraise the current interventions meant to assist in the adaptation of such disabilities. *
6. List the current barriers to gaining employment after military life, and select possible solutions. *
7. Explore and create a multifaceted faith-based program to meet one of the major transitional challenges for veterans.

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