Miami Dade College Mixed Methods Approaches Discussion – Description
Assume you are conducting a study but having trouble recruiting participants. You can reach people, but they seem turned off by the time commitment and decline to participate. How might you address the recruitment problem while remaining ethical? Discuss at least one strategy to improve recruitment and at least two potential ethical concerns.
Discussion Board Instructions:
APA Citations Required
Use textbook Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. John W. Creswell. Sage Publishing. Latest Edition.
You must develop an answer (minimum 250 words) concerning the question. Although you can use other sources, you are also required to include information from the text.
Consider the following when you post:
• Is the contribution mechanically clear enough for readers to understand the points being made?
• Is the contribution on time?
• Does the contribution meet the minimum length requirements?
• Does the contribution reference assigned readings or other resources?
• Does the post contain “critical thinking” that indicates the paradigms in the field?
• Are the ideas communicated with respect for those who may dissent?
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