IFSM 304 UMUC IFSM 304 Ethic in Information Technology Paper – Description
Spinello’s Seven-Step Process
Richard Spinello provides a similar seven-step process for ethical analysis designed specifically for IT professionals, and it is geared toward development of public policy and law. His sixth step entails adding an original normative conclusion: what should happen? His seventh step includes the questions: “What are the public-policy implications of this case and your normative recommendations? Should the recommended behavior be prescribed through policies and laws?” This approach can be useful for IT organizations seeking to better structure and define policies and procedures (Spinello, 1997, p. 45).
Here are all Seven-Steps:
Identify and formulate the basic ethical issues in each case. Also, consider legal issues and whether ethical and legal issues are in conflict.
What are your first impressions, your moral intuition about the problem?
Consult appropriate formal guidelines, the ethical and/or professional codes.
Analyze the issues from the viewpoint of one or more of the three ethical frameworks.
Do the theories lead to a single solution, or do they offer competing alternatives? If competing, which principle or avenue of reasoning should take precedence?
What is your normative conclusion—what should happen?
What are the public-policy implications of this case and your normative recommendations? Should the recommended behavior be prescribed through policies and laws?
For this paper on : Medical Privacy: Who owns your medical history? What is the state of current legislation to protect your health information? Is it sufficient? There are new incentives with federal stimulus financing for health care organizations to develop and implement digital health records.
the following five elements must be addressed:
Define a concise problem statement that is extracted from the above description or scenario. It is best if you define a specific problem caused by the dilemma, that needs a specific ethical decision to be made, that will solve the dilemma. Be aware that if it is a matter of public policy or law, that it may require a regulatory body or congressional approval to take action to implement a solution.
Analyze your problem using one of the structured decision-making frameworks chosen from Module 2. Make sure that you identify the decision-making framework utilized. In addition, the steps in the decision-making framework selected must be used as major headings in the Analysis section.
Consider and state the impact of the decision that you made on an individual, an organization, stakeholders, customers suppliers, and the environment, as applicable!
State and discuss the applicable ethical theory that supports your decision.
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