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FSU Traditional Indian Medicine and Western Treatment Discussion Reply

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FSU Traditional Indian Medicine and Western Treatment Discussion Reply – Description

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Case : Incorporating traditional Indian healing practices along with Western medicine
         Many indigenous communities value their cultural beliefs, which include using traditional medicine and practices (World Health Organization, 2019). The United Nations also recognized in 2007 the right of indigenous communities to use traditional medicine. Therefore, J.R can combine western medicine and traditional Indian medicine. This combination allows for a holistic approach that supports the healing and healthcare process of the community. The use of traditional medicine among Indians reflects the holistic approach within the community. Moreover, combining the two kinds of medicine helps to establish a healthy working relationship between patients and healthcare providers. It also builds trust and compliance with the medical dosages given or taken by the patients.
Parameters that should be considered and included in health assessments to reach maximal health potential in individuals.
         A health assessment is a patient-centered, systematic health technique that involves various parameters besides psychological ones. These include performing a physical examination, collecting a patient’s medical history, and recording the findings. A physical examination of the patient involves checking the relevant signs and symptoms that indicate the illness. This involves inspecting different body parts, such as the texture of the hands and the presence of palpitation in the eyes (Griffiths et al., 2020). The aim of collecting a patient’s medical history is to gather biographical data such as name, age, gender, and the history of current illness. Collecting data also involves obtaining information on family history, allergies, surgeries, trauma, chronic disorder, and any related symptoms of a medical condition. The final step is the recording of the findings mentioned in the context above. Recording is essential to determine the severity of the sickness and provide the appropriate medication for the patient (Griffiths et al., 2020).
Family developmental stages
         Duvall’s family development theory describes eight stages of family development (Olson et al., 2019). The first stage is when a couple gets married and lives without children. The second stage is when they have their first child and adapt to their new roles as parents. The third stage is when they have preschool children and help them learn and socialize. In this stage, parents also face challenges such as balancing their own needs and their children’s needs. The fourth stage is when they have school-aged children and support them in their academic and extracurricular activities. The fifth stage is when they have adolescent children and deal with their increasing independence and autonomy. This stage requires effective communication and guidance from parents. The sixth stage is when their children become young adults and start their own families. This stage involves leaving the parental home and taking on new responsibilities. Parents should provide emotional and financial support during this transition. The seventh stage is when parents become middle-aged and take care of their aging parents. The eighth stage is when parents become old and retire from their work. This stage involves adjusting to new roles and health issues. Parents should stay active and engaged in this stage.
Family structure and function and the relationship with health care.
         Family structure and function are important aspects of health care, as they influence the health behaviors, outcomes, and access of individuals and groups. Family structure refers to the composition and organization of a family unit, such as the number and type of members, their roles and relationships, and their living arrangements. Family function are the processes and interactions that take place within a family unit, such as communication, decision-making, problem-solving, coping, and support (Olson et al., 2019). Different family structures and functions may have different implications for health care. For example, some family structures may provide more or less social support, financial resources, or emotional stability for their members, which can affect their health status and needs. Some family functions may facilitate or hinder the adoption of healthy behaviors, the management of chronic conditions, or the utilization of health services. Therefore, health care providers should be aware of the diversity and complexity of family structures and functions, and tailor their interventions and strategies accordingly.

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