Evidence based practice is a method to improve patient outcomes through research that answers questions related to nursing practice. We no longer do things because “it’s the way we’ve always done it.” We now look for the “evidence” that guides our practice. And, why do we do this? Because it 1) optimizes patients’ outcomes, 2) improves efficiency (costs) and 3) addresses consumer demands. The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) goal is by 2020, 90% of clinical decisions will be made through EBP.
EBP Components
Clinical expertise (education, experience, clinical skills)
Best research (clinically relevant systematic research)
Patient values (preferences, concerns, expectations)
What encourages nurses to be empowered to ask good clinical questions to improve nursing care and patient outcomes? An environment where nurses can safely ask questions.
Key questions to ask when considering EBP:
Why have we always done “it” this way?
Do we have evidence-based rationale or, is this practice merely based on tradition?
Is there a better (more effective, faster, safer, less expensive, more comfortable) method?
What approach does the patient (or the target group) prefer?
What do experts in this specialty recommend?
What methods are used by leading/benchmark, organizations?
Do the findings of recent research suggest an alternative method?
Are organizational barriers inhibiting the application of best practices in this situation?
Is there a review of the research on this topic?
Are there nationally recognized standards of care, practice guidelines, or protocols that apply?
PART 1: EBP INFO : 500 words or more
Topic Selection due: 5th week (at the latest – during post conference), PART 1 post 6th week of clinical
Choose an EBP topic to address in this discussion forum. How do I choose a topic?
When you encounter a clinical issue related to something that makes you question if it is best practice or is counter intuitive to what you have learned thus far in the nursing program
If you think of an OB topic of interest and want to research possible EBP guidelines regarding this topic.
Topics for this assignment should focus on nursing practice (procedure, clinical management, medications, patient teaching, etc) rather than medical procedures. If using a well established practice such as “skin to skin”, find a new “twist” on the topic that is not as well integrated into practice (ex. dads doing skin to skin etc). See below for topic ideas used by former students.
Topics Selected (these will be on a “first come” basis and subject to instructor approval, each student will have a different topic, please send your requests in WRITING via email or Canvas message)
I have a topic, now what?
Perform an advanced search of the evidence-based practice (EBP) literature (within the past five years) that evaluates the clinical problem or issue chosen and then answer the following questions. Each question should be a separate section with the question in bold at the top of the section. Cite sources in each section (as applicable):
Provide a brief explanation of why you selected this topic to research.
How does this EBP address / support the clinical problem?
How is this EBP guideline currently being implemented in your facility? (look for policies, procedures and practice guidelines at Mission Hospital)
How does this EBP guideline impact clinical practice?
What can you, as a student & as a novice nurse, do to apply / implement this EBP in your clinical practice?
Post a reflection IN YOUR OWN WORDS to address the questions above (do not copy directly from videos/readings/website).
Create a NEW THREAD with the title as a brief description of your EBP (ex. “Fathers doing Skin to Skin”).
Provide a resource that is either an embedded video (use film clip icon on the lower toolbar) or website link (use the chain icon on the lower toolbar). This should supplement the info in your post r/t the EBP you selected.
You should have at least 3 sources within past 5 years. These should be original articles and/or practice guidelines (not textbooks). Include an APA reference list with all sources including the video / websites in your post.
How to include APA reference for a video (more APA assistance on Theory Canvas as needed):
Last Name, F.M. [Username]. (Year, Month Date). Title of video [Video File]. Retrieved from URL
Helpful Hint: Write your discussion in a word document, then copy and paste it in the discussion forum. This will save it from accidentally getting deleted prior to posting.
PART 2: REPLY to 2 classmate’s posts. Choose topics that have no replies if possible. Minimum word count is 200 words per reply. Discuss each of the following:
What surprised you about the topic
One or more newly learned concept(s) from the link / video
Any clinical / personal / family / friends’ experience with their topic. If none, how might this impact your future practice (even if you don’t end up in OB as a career)
Here is a video to help you create a live link on Canvas. This is to create a link.
To embed a video in Canvas (like the one above), use the following steps:
Step 1: Find or create a video on YouTube that relates to the content in your EBP
Step 2: Copy the Embed Code: Embedded the video. On the YouTube video, look for the “Share” arrow, click on this. Under the “Share” icon, find and copy the “Embed” code
Step 3: Embed the Video on your Discussion Post: Click on the “Insert / Edit Media” icon (it is the triangle film strip icon bottom row, second from the left). Click on “embed” tab. Paste the embed code from YouTube. The ideal size is 330 x 256. You can change the numbers in the embed code if you want to make the video a little smaller but retain the features like in the video clip above.
Good luck! We look forward to reading your posts!
More ideas for topics (used by former students, these are suggestions, you are encouraged to come up with your own!): glucose gel, SUPC protocols, breast feeding support (nipple shield, 3 step, use of an app), pain relief (labor, post partum etc), preecampsia / PTL interventions (meds, best rest etc), pitocin, labor interventions, Quiet time on the MBU to promote rest / bonding, Water birth, Skin to skin after CS, PP hemorrhage, SUPC, Cuddle cot, use of a peanut ball during labor, Neonatal hypoglycemia
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