CTU criminal justice The Justice Dilemma Discussion – Question Description
I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.
We will all face ethical dilemmas (sometimes called moral dilemmas) at different times in our lives. Making these choices can really impact not just our lives but the lives of those around us. Becoming aware that the decision you face is an ethical dilemma and learning how to consider a problem from all sides can help us to make stronger decisions.
Choose one of the videos below that illustrates an ethical dilemma, and then answer the questions below:
The Driverless Car Dilemma
The Justice Dilemma
The Lifeboat Dilemma
The Trolley Dilemma
Discuss the dilemma faced in your chosen video.
Considering critical thinking and ethical decision making models learned in PHIL101, share what decision you would make in your chosen situation along with your reasons why.
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