BCJ510 – DRUGS, JUSTICE & SOCIETY – Description
Question 1:
Examine current drug-testing techniques in sports and business including the two major drug-testing techniques. Describe the challenges related to pinpointing the time of drug use and identifying users who mask drug tests (especially steroid users disguising the use of anabolic steroids).
Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introdu ction, middle paragraphs and conclusion
Responses must be submitted as a MS Word Document only, typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 point type size
Essay should be 750-1000 words
I need 3-4 citations, and one of them has to be from:
Citations need to be in APA style. Under this style, vou should have a short-form in-text citation at the end of a cited sentence, and a complete reference at the very end of the essay in a Reference section.
Footnotes and Endnotes are not used in APA citation format.
The short-form citation is written inside parentheses and contains the following information: the authors last names, the year of publication, and the specific page number where the information was read. In subsequent (short-form in-text) citations, you do not need to write the year of publication again.
For example:
A traditional bureaucracy should utilize a hierarchy or control that is spread throughout an organization.
(Thibault, Lynch, & McBride, 2011, p. 85)
At the very end of the essay, in a Reference section, you must then give a complete reference of each source. For a book, the APA format is:
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work:
Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.
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