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As we investigate adolescent development, we offer some historical information.

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As we investigate adolescent development, we offer some historical information.
Adolescent development features important behavioral changes as the result of neurological, cognitive, social/emotional, and reproductive health, and cultural changes.
Adolescence ages 11-22 is divided into three substages, early ages 9-12…middle ages 13-16 and late 17-22
Plato and Aristotle discussed childhood and adulthood
separated the “stages” by cognitive abilities esp. reasoning
Jean Jacques Rousseau the process of cognitive maturation=“phases”
Science of adolescence G. Stanley Hall…with concerns
1st President of the American Psychological Association, 1904 published Adolescence text…biology of importance
storm and stress view…
Margaret Mead, Anthropology, focused on the socio-cultural perspectives, Samoa
evaluated the cultural context in which the adolescent is developing
development is directly correlated with the stability or instability of the culture as a whole
Her work, methods are appreciate…ethnographic
Ruth Benedict’s major contribution to anthropology, compares Zuni, Doug, and Kuwait cultures, discusses adolescence
Studying cultures living and learning
Multidisciplinary approach…
We continue to debate…
The Global International perspective within the United States
cross cultural within/between
Context in which development occurs…examples such as expectations
life style history war/conflict
gender economy neighborhoods
SE’S systems religion
ethnicity-nationality Culture-what we are taught…legacy…handed down
In summary, adolescence is a time of both significant risk and great opportunity. Psychologist Dr. Reed Larson addressed the topic well in his discussion, “Positive Development in a Disorderly World,” when he asserted that the “developmental challenges of adolescence—of coming of age in a disorderly word—are enormous. These challenges need more recognition and research. Despite the limitations of the human mind, adolescents have enormous strength and potential for learning and development. We as a field have an important role in better understanding these potentials, how they develop, and how to support their development” (Larson, op. 23). Larson and others have begun to discover the tremendously important role of youth programs in adolescent development. It has been suggested that quality youth arts programs may be supportive as adolescents investigate the complexities, similarities, differences of their and others lives. Youth programs offer peer and adult interaction’s that employ cognitive skills at a variety of levels. Offering adolescents the opportunity to interact with competent adults possessing skills of adolescent’s interests is of paramount importance.
Opportunities and experiences…what we hope for our emerging adolescents.
We must consider global and international research investigating adolescents
Now that you have completed reading our brief introduction to adolescent development continue on with chapters 9.
Watch Video
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore: The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain
Duration: 14:27
User: n/a – Added: 9/17/12
1. Discuss what you have learned from Dr. Blakemore’s video. 5-6 sentences. What questions would you have for Dr. Blakemore? 2-3 sentences
2. Compare and contrast your adolescent knowledge of puberty, brain changes, and sexuality with the materials in our text. Explain what you learned and were told versus the information in our text and available today on the internet. 8-10 sentences
3. Provide detailed information on changes in cognitive development for parents. Include adolescent egocentric thought as well. Use 4-5 examples from real-life experiences
4. How do cultures vary in terms of rites of passage for adolescents? You may use an example from your own experiences. Offer examples…3-4 sentences
5. Discuss how poverty and socioeconomic status are related to adolescent development. 6 plus sentences
6. Prejudices, discriminations, and inequalities exist for many adolescents. Locate what you consider to be a valuable program to reduce one of the aforementioned and present it. Discuss what you find valuable about your selected program and explain it in detail. Discuss what implementation of your selected program involves. Cite the reference for the program. 6 plus sentences
7. What research would you encourage parents to review to prevent adolescent substance use and abuse, eating disorders, suicide, and depression. 6 plus sentences
8. Review the information on high schools. After review, would you like to be back in high school? Why or why not? Offer examples

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