AMU Management Organizational Change and Transformation Essay – Description
Choose a chapter from a textbook, or an article from a journal, trade magazine, or newspaper that is of interest to you and is related to some aspect of organizational change and transformation.
Choose some portion of the chapter or article, briefly summarize the contents, and then apply the contents to some aspect of your personal life and/or workplace. (Remember that organizational change theory extends beyond organizations and applies to personal changes as well as workplace changes.)
Be creative! Use your imagination and critical thinking skills to consider how change theory applies either to a personal or workplace experience you have had. Importantly, you have the flexibility to choose your topic and its application, so long as you can demonstrate that you are able to effectively apply the theory/concepts you have read.
Use a library and perform a search of the available sources using one or more of the following keywords:
Organizational Change
Organizational Transformation, and/or
Change Management.
After choosing and reading some aspect of a book chapter or article that is of particular interest to you, respond to the following in a well-written paper using a minimum of 2 scholarly sources:
Summarize what you have read from the article or chapter you have selected. Be sure to cite specific concepts that are applicable to the personal or work experience you have selected for this module.
What did the author say that was particularly relevant and/or of particular significance to the past personal and/or work experience you have selected? Why did you select this particular chapter or article?
How have the organizational change and transformation concepts you have selected informed your personal or work experience? What new understanding or insights do you have after applying these concepts to your personal or work circumstances?
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